

Idea Image Institute of Architects & engineers has abundant human resources and has accumulated trustworthy experience through the fields of site selection, development plan, design, supervision, and after service. Concerning about stadium and railway station, which requires high quality technology, IIIA has the highest quality technology and know-how, and concerning about educational facilities like library, IIIA also has highly competitive power


In city and housing complex development, IIIA supports business of architectural design through feasibility study and basic scheme work. And further, we try to expand our business to environmental architecture. In real estate business and consulting business, we have established own "know-how" as participating many projects and "know-where" with information, which is from in and outside of country network. With this we reconsider accomplishment of a business. And this makes IIIA trustful to clients.


Inside space of architecture not only expresses lifestyle and activity but also accomplish active role that creativity and dynamics are added to life and activity. Now classifying a space into inside and outside is meaningless. Interior and architecture has to be developed together.
IIIA provides high quality interior service. IIIA has responsible for designing that is not isolated from architecture to construction. IIIA had done food concession in Inchon Int'l Airport with 1000m2 of building area


Outside of architecture is no longer empty and useless space. Whether it is public area or private area, people's attention to the space has been increased gradually. Active designing attitude for the space inspire architecture with vivid power and it makes resident's life richer. IIIA has manufactured and installed outside environmental sculpture in National central library, Jong-myo Park |


Wide scope of research and delicate statistics work can be prerequisite to architecture business for high profit and efficiency. Under present economic condition, careful investment examination become important factor in architectural scheme and IIIA with plenty of human resources and experience provides high quality service that can gives conviction to investor.


Designer has to check and supervise about that constructor use proper architectural materials and construct properly with working drawing. He/she checks and confirms the architectural papers, working process so that the original concept and design can be reflected at the end of construction to make high quality building.


Membrane is regarded as the fifth architectural material and used with various skills into several architecture fields in other countries. It requires very complicate and fine process that is to apply fabric and the structure to architecture. IIIA now try to lead fabric structure field based on rich experience from 1988' Olympic fencing hall to 2002 World cup Daegu stadium

